The primary intention of this project is to provide open access to mathematical texts in PDF format which individual mathematicians find particularly useful and which are clearly in the public domain or under open license. This provides a middle ground between large depositories like which host "everything" and subscription download services which often monopolize access to public domain texts. Please notify us, using the email below, if any of our PDF files are corrupted so that we can re-upload the readable file.
Contributions of texts in PDF form, which are in the public domain or under open license, may be sent to our email below. Please only send texts that you personally find useful and helpful. If you have created interesting bookmarks or notes, feel free to leave them in. The purpose of this project is to be a selective depository, housing texts which people who practice mathematics find worthwhile. Until there are curators for other languages, please send only English texts. Anyone wishing to be the curator for another language is welcome to email us at the address below. The following donations would be greatly appreciated: Klein's Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint - Geometry Hilbert's Geometry and Imagination Any solid exposition of Grassmann Algebra/Spaces Are we violating your copyright?
If your property is on, have them remove it and we will happily follow suit. Most of our pdfs come from there. Otherwise, just follow these four steps and we'll pull the file. Email us using the Project Email below. We will respond with our physical address. Send us a trackable letter establishing your claim. On receipt, we will delete the file and notify you by email. Contact info is here