Within the next few years, an AI assistant will take up residence inside your head. It will do this by whispering guidance into your ears as you go ab

The “Whisperverse”: The future of mobile computing is an AI voice inside your head

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Style Pass
2024-10-07 16:30:06

Within the next few years, an AI assistant will take up residence inside your head. It will do this by whispering guidance into your ears as you go about your daily routine, reminding you to pick up your dry cleaning as you walk down the street, helping you find your parked car in a stadium lot, and prompting you with the name of a coworker you pass in the hall. It may even coach you as you converse with friends and coworkers, giving you interesting things to say that make you seem smarter, funnier, and more charming than you are. These will feel like superpowers. 

Of course, everyone else will be “augmented” too, creating an arms race among the public to embrace the latest features and functions. This is the future of mobile computing. It will transform the bricks we carry around all day into body-worn devices that see and hear our surroundings and covertly whisper useful information and friendly reminders at every turn. 

Most of these devices will be deployed as AI-powered glasses because they give the best vantage point for cameras to monitor our field of view, though camera-enabled earbuds will be available too. The other benefit of glasses is that they can be enhanced to display visual content, enabling the AI to provide silent assistance as text, images, and realistic immersive elements that are integrated spatially into our world. 

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