One thing before I start: this is not a discussion of whether you should go on podcasts. I’m writing this for people who’ve already decided they w

How to be a (good) podcast guest

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Style Pass
2024-03-29 22:00:06

One thing before I start: this is not a discussion of whether you should go on podcasts. I’m writing this for people who’ve already decided they want to.

Even though my podcast is small, I get a ton of guest requests. Way, way more than I could ever talk to. I assume this is an industry-wide phenomenon.

Note: I don’t know if you should care about standing out to people like me. It is almost certainly better to focus on other things.

This also applies to the founders of cool things like Supabase, PostHog, or Resend: I fanboy-ed over them and actively pursued them (that’s another article, though).

We love fans. It’s SO easy to standout as a fan for a small podcast. And we’ll be interested in hearing what you like or would change about the podcast. As well as appreciating your support.

By the way, 90% of the time I get a message from someone who says “I love the podcast”… it’s swiftly followed by “I’d love to share the story of my company”. So if you take this approach, space it out a bit!

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