Phoenix's LiveView has polarized our team. Compared to SPA, there are components and features that we’re able to build 2-3x faster. Conversely, ther

LiveView is best with Svelte

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2024-04-01 18:00:17

Phoenix's LiveView has polarized our team. Compared to SPA, there are components and features that we’re able to build 2-3x faster. Conversely, there are components and features that are frustrating to build or feel very counterintuitive.

Fortunately, we found a companion library called LiveSvelte. LiveView enables a development experience with Svelte that’s unlike any other fullstack paradigm I’ve used.

To appreciate the LiveView+Svelte paradigm, I’ll start by explaining how LiveView works and what makes it different. Then, I’ll detail the friction we encountered with a pure LiveView approach. At that point, you’ll be able to appreciate what LiveSvelte offers.

In a traditional server-rendered web application, the server is stateless. The client requests a page and the server renders it. All client actions route back to the server, which re-renders the next page.

In a SPA, the client is in charge of building pages. It leverages a backend API to read and write data. Client apps are stateful (e.g. useState in React).

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