Who doesn't like to go a little overboard with Postgres? Extensions like pgsql-http push what we think is possible (or permissible) to do in the datab

Request-reply in Postgres

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Style Pass
2024-10-23 18:30:05

Who doesn't like to go a little overboard with Postgres? Extensions like pgsql-http push what we think is possible (or permissible) to do in the database.

I wondered the other day if you could build a request-reply mechanism using plain Postgres components. Turns out, you can! Whether or not you should is left as a decision for the reader.

Along the way, I'll pull in a bunch of Postgres tools we rarely get a chance to use like unlogged tables, advisory locks, and procedures:

Postgres has support for pub-sub with its LISTEN/NOTIFY feature. But pub-sub is limited. The sender doesn't know if any processes are around to handle its notification. And the sender can't receive a reply.

One layer up from the pub-sub pattern is the request pattern. In a request, the sender should raise if there are no handlers. This gives the sending process firmer guarantees that its request will be handled. You can also specify that only one handler should receive the request.

Finally, in the request-reply pattern, the sender blocks until it receives a response from the handler. This gives the sender the most guarantees, as it knows for sure whether or not the request was successfully handled. And, the sender can receive a response payload, which it might use to continue its operation.

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