This post will guide you through using AddressSanitizer (ASan), a compiler plugin that helps developers detect memory issues in code that can lead to

Understanding AddressSanitizer: Better memory safety for your code

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Style Pass
2024-05-16 23:30:02

This post will guide you through using AddressSanitizer (ASan), a compiler plugin that helps developers detect memory issues in code that can lead to remote code execution attacks (such as WannaCry or this WebP implementation bug). ASan inserts checks around memory accesses during compile time, and crashes the program upon detecting improper memory access. It is widely used during fuzzing due to its ability to detect bugs missed by unit testing and its better performance compared to other similar tools.

ASan was designed for C and C++, but it can also be used with Objective-C, Rust, Go, and Swift. This post will focus on C++ and demonstrate how to use ASan, explain its error outputs, explore implementation fundamentals, and discuss ASan’s limitations and common mistakes, which will help you grasp previously undetected bugs.

Finally, we share a concrete example of a real bug we encountered during an audit that was missed by ASan and can be detected with our changes. This case motivated us to research ASan bug detection capabilities and contribute dozens of upstreamed commits to the LLVM project. These commits resulted in the following changes:

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