IOCCC Flight Simulator

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2024-10-21 12:30:03

The IOCCC Flight Simulator was the winning entry in the 1998 International Obfuscated C Code Contest. It is a flight simulator in under 2 kilobytes of code, complete with relatively accurate 6-degree-of-freedom dynamics, loadable wireframe scenery, and a small instrument panel.

You have just stepped out of the real world and into the virtual. You are now sitting in the cockpit of a Piper Cherokee airplane, heading north, flying 1000 feet above ground level.

Use the keyboard to fly the airplane. The arrow keys represent the control stick. Press the Up Arrow key to push the stick forward. Press the left arrow key to move the stick left, and so on. Press Enter to re-center the stick. Use Page Up and Page Down increase and decrease the throttle, respectively. (The rudder is automatically coordinated with the turn rate, so rudder pedals are not represented.)

On your display, you will see on the bottom left corner three instruments. The first is the airspeed indicator; it tells you how fast you’re going in knots. The second is the heading indicator, or compass. 0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, 270 is west. The third instrument is the altimeter, which measures your height above ground level in feet.

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