Let's Exploit a Buffer Overrun! | blog.cakers.io

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2024-04-19 21:30:05

The example program we ‘hack’ is small, written by me, and deliberately contrived for success. We compile it using vanilla cl.exe on the command-line with no additional options and we deliberately disable Microsoft’s Safebuffers, something nobody is going to do. Finally, we exploit through a very old C standard library function, a function that was officially replaced in 2011 due to the very vulnerability we’re exploiting.

In all, this example is best described, in British colloquial parlance, as ‘Noddy’. It might have gotten you somewhere in 1987 but not now. It’s purpose is to illustrate what a buffer overrun is, exactly, and just one way in which they can leave software open to attack. Plus, it’s fun.

Inspiration for this exercise came from an early chapter of Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets by Peter Van De Linden, a book that was last published in 1994. This should give you some idea of how out of date this example is. Despite it’s age, though, the book is a great read filled with historic anecdotes and info about the C language. It’s still available from Amazon for Kindle.

We define an array of char with fourteen elements then fill the array with the message ‘Hello World!’ (twelve characters plus the new-line and room for the terminating NUL character).

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