Disclaimer 2: This is the “why” I wrote the article in the first place, if you wanna read the technical part of it is here.
On my last trip to Stockholm to visit company headquarters, I ended up in a park during the lovely Swedish summer, thinking about how to improve our system in terms of data integrity. Right there, I had a eureka moment.
This post is a summary of how the idea, which was generated from endless conversations with coworkers, ended up being a real practical application of a mathematical problem I was reading about.
After a lot of discussions with coworkers, I realized, after spending a few hours on it, that I should bring tools other than the practical software engineering skills I have been using for the past ten years. These tools should be more oriented towards critical thinking, robustness, and similar aspects.
I vaguely started with TLA+; however, I didn’t find any practical usage other than mathematical formality. So, I went back to the research phase.