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Swift 6 and iOS 18 introduced the Synchronization framework, to surprisingly little fanfare. Seriously, barely even a shout-out at dub-dub. I have my work cut out for me.
These features could only be introduced with Swift 6 because they are implemented using the brand-new generic ownership mechanics.
Finally, we’ll profile these primitives to understand their performance compared to the high-level synchronization mechanism in Swift Concurrency: Actors.
Mutex is ~Copyable, and generic over Value, another ~Copyable type. Mutex may also consume its initial value, if it’s noncopyable.
Swift is really getting away from me, I just had to spend 15 minutes working out what the sending keyword did. Is Apple asking Gen Z to pick out keywords?
Noncopyable types were introduced with Swift 5.9. These add Rust-style ownership semantics to Swift code, which offer performance gains for embedded systems programming by eliminating the runtime overhead associated with copying values.