A somewhat less serious, but arguably more ✨ fun✨ use case of WebAssembly 2 is to rely on it when developing games (or other art for that matter) targeting a Fantasy Console. 3
Three such consoles (fantasy machines with access to a WebAssembly runtime) are WASM-4, MicroW8 and TIC-80. Over the last couple of years I have experimented with all three of them.
Being able to write some code, compile it into a .wasm and have it automatically reloaded in the fantasy console is great. (I often use a file system watcher to trigger the recompilation)
You’ll be limited to a number of colors (in a palette), you are however free to replace the palette with one of your own, or maybe (more likely) one of the most popular ones from the Lospec Palette list 🎨
Palette shifting is a technique used in computer graphics in which colors are changed in order to give the impression of animation. ↩︎