Today, Consensys took an important step towards preserving access to the Ethereum blockchain, and by extension, permissionless innovation. Consensys w

Consensys is suing the SEC to defend the Ethereum ecosystem

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2024-04-26 10:30:05

Today, Consensys took an important step towards preserving access to the Ethereum blockchain, and by extension, permissionless innovation.

Consensys was founded on an era-defining mission: to empower people and communities through access to blockchain technologies. We believe that advancing adoption of blockchain platforms like Ethereum will help reshape and enhance how future generations will manage economic, financial, social, political, and technological systems, creating a more equitable, transparent, and innovative world.

Guided by our mission, Consensys took an important step towards preserving access to the Ethereum blockchain today, and by extension, permissionless innovation. We filed litigation against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 

We took this step for two very basic reasons: (1) the SEC should not be allowed to arbitrarily expand its jurisdiction to include regulating the future of the internet; and (2) the SEC’s reckless approach is bringing chaos to developers, market participants, institutions, and nations who are building or already managing critical systems running on Ethereum, the world’s largest platform for decentralized applications. With our actions today we intend to make the following clear:

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