Happy Festivus from the Rapid Team! Today we released v2.5 of the Rapid editor for OpenStreetMap just in time for the “Feats of Strength”
We upgraded Rapid’s render to use the latest version of PixiJS game engine. This version gives Rapid a welcome performance boost - if you’ve aired any grievances about Rapid being laggy, the new Rapid should perform much better for you!
Rapid can now detect whether curb ramps can been mapped at road crossings and prompt the user to add them with a one-click fix. These suggestions look different from the previous warnings raised by our validator - they show up with a small upgrade symbol
Another Festivus miracle! Overture Places is an open dataset of over 50 million places. We’ve added this dataset to Rapid as a read-only preview to make it easier to contribute missing businesses and points-of-interest to OpenStreetMap.
Meta has collected openly licensed data in 5 cities (more to come!) to make it easy to add missing sidewalks to OpenStreetMap. You can find this new dataset in the Rapid menu too!