A single-element star rating component (without JS)
Transform the native range slider into a star rating component using a few lines of CSS and zero JavaScript. You can adjust the number of stars by simply changing the max attribute.
<input type="range" min="1" max="5"> input[type="range"] { --s: 100px
; height: var(--s
); aspect-ratio: calc(attr(max
)) - 1
); padding-inline: calc(var(--s
); mask: 0
); mask-image: conic-gradient(from 162deg at 50% 65%
,#000 .1turn
,#0000 0
), conic-gradient(from 18deg at 21% 55%
,#000 .1turn
,#0000 0
), conic-gradient(from 306deg at 79% 55%
,#000 .1turn
,#0000 0
); appearance: none
; cursor: pointer
;}input[type="range" i]::-webkit-slider-thumb{ width: 1px
; border-image: conic-gradient(at
calc(50% +
),#7b7b7b 50%
,#fff220 0
) fill 0//
) calc(20*
)); appearance: none
;} See the Pen CSS-Only Rating Component (Click to update!) by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen. More CSS Tips A wiggly box (wavy borders) using CSS Mask Smoothly stop an infinite rotation Running animations without keyframes Created by Temani Afif (Support Me) | CSS Generators | CSS Loaders | CSS Shape | CSS Pattern