It's Sunday. 

On Sundays you catch up with some newsletters and check out what you missed out on, lately that's mostly been new ai apps doing some

Permission is forever

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Style Pass
2024-06-23 19:30:06

It's Sunday. On Sundays you catch up with some newsletters and check out what you missed out on, lately that's mostly been new ai apps doing some pretty cool stuff.

Or what about the AI Science Researcher you can hire for $16 / month that has essentially read all human scientific knowledge?

The app now can say hi to you with your first name and has a nice avatar you recognize as yourself and makes you feel at home.

In some ways it determines the shape of the internet, and by defining the current shape of the internet it's also defining the shape of the future.

There's a reason Apple is throwing caution to the wind and relaxing some of its long held stances related to privacy to build an AI Agent on your iPhone.

The optimists are already busy building a future where software that has brains that act like ours can give us super powers and automate nearly anything we desire.

One 5 minute voice chat about some aesthetic desires or creature comforts and its booked, payed for, on your calendar, and some new clothes are even on the way to your house so your style fits your scenery on Instagram.

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