I found this LinkedIn Article, which pointed out how Rust was in its native form, was a very bad System Level Modelling Language, and it hit me, that Context Generic Programming, a new programming paradigm for Rust, could be applied as a fix and make it a great one.
In the blog, the big frustration is how Rust’s strict ownership/borrowing rules turn it into a nightmare when you try to build out a DAG (Direct Acyclic Graph) of componentsand ports all hooking into each other. The only known & obvious ways to do this is either using raw pointers or basically manufacturing a RC/RefCell clones’ galore, or else store integer IDs, and look them in some kind of a map, which kind of feels like we’re stepping backwards from a type-safe world (because aren’t pointers just that?).
Context Generic Programming was introduced just at the end of 2024, as a way to enhance Rust’s already great capabilities in building modular, type-safe, and highly expressive code. CGP leverages Rust’s powerful type system and trait mechanisms to manage dependancies and component interactions in a clean (although confusing at first) way.