I’ve been attending re:Invent every year since 2015, and while the conference has its share of issues, I’ve always returned because I̵

Has Generative AI ruined the re:Invent experience?

submited by
Style Pass
2024-10-04 11:00:02

I’ve been attending re:Invent every year since 2015, and while the conference has its share of issues, I’ve always returned because I’ve felt the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. It seems as if Generative AI related sessions have taken over re:Invent, to the detriment of other topics.

AWS re:Invent is…a lot to deal with. Yes, the session catalog is terrible to navigate. So much so that it has inspired some fellow Community Builders to step in with the creation of third party tools to fill the gap. Sure, the session registration system is a total mess and has been for years. Not to mention it completely disadvantages folks from different countries that live in different time zones. Lastly, the huge crowds and navigating across multiple venues up and down the strip makes things logistically painful.

However at the end of the day it has always been the high quality and deeply technical nature of the content, the variety of topics covered, and the outstanding networking opportunities that kept me coming back year after year. (Not to mention the fantastic musical performances at re:Play).

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