1 minute. Just 1 minute. That’s how long it took for an attacker to exploit an exposed AWS Access Key on GitHub—the time it takes to pour your coffee, start a standup meeting, or click through your deployment pipeline. In that blink of an eye, an exposed secret can grant unauthorized access and spark a full-scale breach.
This blog uncovers how GitHub and GitLab, indispensable tools for modern developers, are also prime targets for attackers searching for secrets. You’ll see how exposed secrets are exploited in seconds and why secret rotation is not just insufficient but a dangerously misleading strategy.
If you missed our prelude blog, it sets the stage with the motivations behind this research and outlines the larger implications of secret mismanagement. Ready? Let’s dive in.
GitHub and GitLab are among the most widely used platforms for hosting code and managing version control. Their ubiquity makes them natural targets—not just for misconfigurations or overlooked practices, but also for secrets that accidentally slip into repositories. These platforms are not just tools; they are high-visibility ecosystems where a single mistake can result in immediate exploitation. Whether through human error, CI/CD automation, or ignored best practices, secrets frequently make their way into code—and attackers are always watching.