TLDR: At Doppler, we've enhanced our code reviews by weaving storytelling into git history, making reviews insightful and efficient. This approac

Improving Code Reviews with Storytelling

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Style Pass
2024-04-02 14:00:02

TLDR: At Doppler, we've enhanced our code reviews by weaving storytelling into git history, making reviews insightful and efficient. This approach, focusing on clear commit narratives, not only speeds up reviews but also fosters a culture of clarity, learning, and collaboration within our team.

Understanding the twists and turns in our code's journey isn't just helpful; it's a game changer. Sure, we all use git history to see what's changed, but there's so much more to it. It's like having a time machine that shows us not just the "what" but also the "how" and "why" behind each change. This isn't about making things more complicated; it's about clarifying them and helping us catch issues before they become problems.

At Doppler, we're all about ensuring our code is as solid and secure as possible. We used to spend ages reviewing code to get it just right. But we've found a better way. By getting more innovative with how we use git history, we've turned it into our secret weapon for faster, more insightful reviews. It's like laying out our thought process on a map, making it easier for everyone to follow.

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