The mainly difference is that this crate always requires the timezone to be specified in the crontab expression. This is because the timezone is necessary to determine the next timestamp.
Timezone is parsed internally by jiff::tz::TimeZone::get. It supports all the timezone names in the IANA Time Zone Database. See the list of time zones.
For months, it can be 1-12. Alternatively, it can be the first three letters of the English name of the month (case-insensitive), such as JAN, Feb, etc. JAN will be mapped to 1, Feb will be mapped to 2, and so on.
For days of week, it can be 0-7, where both 0 and 7 represent Sunday. Alternatively, it can be the first three letters of the English name of the day (case-insensitive), such as SUN, Mon, etc. SUN will be mapped to 0, Mon will be mapped to 1, and so on.
Asterisks (also known as wildcard) represents “all”. For example, using * * * * * will run every minute. Using * * * * 1 will run every minute only on Monday.