Edition 171 of my newsletter, discussing Knowledge Management, Knowledge Work, Zen Productivity, Personal Organization, and more! This week has been T

DeveloPassion's Newsletter #171 - Not the future you want

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Style Pass
2024-07-02 16:30:16

Edition 171 of my newsletter, discussing Knowledge Management, Knowledge Work, Zen Productivity, Personal Organization, and more!

This week has been TOUGH for me. We all face challenges. But sometimes, the weight feels like it's all just too much. Mine was like that. I'll tell you more in the Business section...

Apart from that, life is good. The sun is back, school is over, and vacations are just around the corner (we're leaving to France in about a week). I'll use that time to relax, recharge, and think about the most impactful next steps I can take.

It all started with an "unexpected" invoice from my accountant. Knowing that my company has ~6K left in the bank, you can imagine how receiving a $3K invoice feels. Especially having paid 7.5K€ of taxes (company) and ~7K€ on a personal level. In an instant I realized that I had half the money left I thought I had. I already felt heavily under pressure to finally "succeed", but now I just feel like Joe Biden during his recent debate against Donald Trump. I feel like it's almost over, and I have little hope of being able to do anything about it.

I did my best, and I'm proud of that, but it just wasn't enough so far... I will try to continue, but there's not much time left, that's for sure. I'm hesitating to invest some of my savings to keep going for a tad longer, but I feel like it's a really bad idea. The opportunity cost is already huge (over 30K€ of potential savings per year), so I probably should just call it a day, accept that my business has failed, and go back to work fulltime as an employee, even though it's clearly not what I want. As the popular song goes "You can't always get what you want". I'm not sure what to do next, and I have no one to turn to. It's a lonely path...

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