Although it has been long known that a lower caloric diet contributes to longevity in humans, it is now understood that fasting can switch the metabol

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2021-09-23 13:00:06

Although it has been long known that a lower caloric diet contributes to longevity in humans, it is now understood that fasting can switch the metabolism from using glucose as fuel to using fatty acids. This shift seems to trigger our stem cells to become more active and regenerative.

Although it has been long known that a lower caloric diet contributes to longevity in humans, it is now understood that fasting can switch the metabolism from using glucose as fuel to using fatty acids. This shift seems to trigger our stem cells to become more active and regenerative.

Prolonged fasting between 48–120 hours can activate pathways that enhance cellular resistance to toxins and stress in mice and humans. (1)

A 2014 study found that prolonged fasting between 48–120 hours can activate pathways that enhance cellular resistance to toxins and stress in mice and humans. The study also found that fasting may also be linked to increased immune system regulation. (1)

Fasting involves refraining from eating for an extended amount of time. Typically, to see any cellular benefits, one must fast for a minimum of 24 - 48 hours. During a fasting period, a person should not consume any calories but may continuously drink water, coffee, or tea to remain hydrated.   One should always consult their doctor before starting a fasting program.

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