Due to gestures vaguely, everything going on right now with WordPress, I thought I'd put together a list of alternative CMSs that better fit the crite

WordPress Alternatives

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Style Pass
2024-10-11 02:30:45

Due to gestures vaguely, everything going on right now with WordPress, I thought I'd put together a list of alternative CMSs that better fit the criteria someone might have for their website. The modern CMS landscape is super broad, with the very definition of "Content Management System" being stretched. Some see it as a full-package website platform, and some see it as just UI for their content stored elsewhere.

The criteria for this list are "Can it be downloaded, dropped onto a server, and you'll have a website?" This eliminates API and git-based CMSs, which I enjoy using; however, wiring a daisy chain of tools is just not viable for many.

Magic Pages is what I'm using for Design Systems WTF, and it's been great! The uptime is good, the price is very reasonable, and Jannis provides a personal touch with support. In addition, this sidesteps Ghost's own hosting option (Ghost Pro), which I would be wary of due to past experiences with other customers.

I have not used Kirby in client work, but I hear only good things. It's file-based, which seems super appealing to someone like myself who gets cold sweats when opening a database.

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