January 10th , 2025 • Craftsmanship & Consideration
The above image represents the sum total of the progress I made yesterday. It sure doesn’t look like much. It is a grid system for an upcoming widget feature I am working on for Widgetsmith. I’m almost embarrassed to post it as the collective effort for an entire day’s professional work, but that is ultimately the point of this post.
I always find coming back from the Christmas break (or any break for that matter) challenging. The regular routines of my working life are joyously disrupted, providing a welcome break and opportunity to re-charge. But when I now sit down at my computer and face the wide-open expanse of possible work endeavors, I rarely have a clear sense of where to start and how to get back into the swing of things.
I’ve faced this struggle hundreds of times over the years of my career and navigated it with varying degrees of success. Over those years, I’ve built up a variety of “tricks” to get me going again. These are little habits or rituals which help steer me towards any degree of productivity again.