Welcome to the latest innovation in gaming graphics with Automatic super resolution (Auto SR)—the first OS-integrated AI super resolution (SR) techn

Automatic Super Resolution: The First OS-Integrated AI-Based Super Resolution for Gaming

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Style Pass
2024-06-08 00:00:06

Welcome to the latest innovation in gaming graphics with Automatic super resolution (Auto SR)—the first OS-integrated AI super resolution (SR) technique where your games not only play smoother, but look stunning too!

Ready for a quick visual challenge?  Take a glance at these side-by-side images of Borderlands 3 played natively at 1440p versus one rendered at 720p but enhanced by AI-based Auto SR.  Can you spot which one uses AI to boost visual quality?  Me neither.  And here’s a twist: while one runs at 24 frames per second, the other zips along at 40. Which do you think is which?

As you ponder, let me introduce you to Auto SR, a nifty piece of tech that beautifies your favorite existing games automatically, giving you faster framerates without compromising those detailed visuals. Dive in as we explore how this technology is enhancing gaming experiences on CoPilot+ PCs equipped with a Snapdragon® X processor!

Two different playthroughs taken near simultaneously: one native 1440p and the other 720p enhanced with Auto SR. Scene differences are due to the game itself.

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