Programming language authors have to think about many things at once: overall language design, runtime dangers, possible feature misuse, backward comp

F# developer stories: how we’ve finally fixed a 9-year-old performance issue

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Style Pass
2024-05-30 06:30:06

Programming language authors have to think about many things at once: overall language design, runtime dangers, possible feature misuse, backward compatibility, forward compatibility, and so on. All these aspects, together with communication hiccups and time constraints, might get in the way of some seemingly clear and manageable problems.

The ticket talks about a few problems at the same time, which unfortunately created some confusion. It mentions compiler-generated equality, custom equality, value types, reference types – many scenarios that are related but linked to different parts of the language specification and the compiler implementation.

It turned out that this equality test boxes the myVal2 before passing it to the Equals call, wasting runtime and memory. (And that’s why the bug on the featured image sits in a box.)

In F#, the most basic data structures are plain records and discriminated unions. From the .NET CIL perspective, they are .NET classes, allocated on the heap and garbage collected. This is fine for general-purpose programming where reference semantics allow for more developer convenience.

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