These are not the words that you want to hear from your oncologist when you're sitting there learning about your upcoming treatment. We'd already figu

Starting the journey

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Style Pass
2024-04-03 07:30:41

These are not the words that you want to hear from your oncologist when you're sitting there learning about your upcoming treatment. We'd already figured out from the CT Scan and MR Scans that things were not good. But hearing the oncologist say "I'm so sorry" was a new wrinkle in all of this.

But what the oncologist was saying was not the usual "I'm sorry" but rather that he was sorry that he didn't see that it had progressed this far. He was genuinely surprised (he read my results twice to ensure that there wasn't a mistake).

Because other than a few issues related to my poop chute I feel perfectly fine. I'm not exhibiting symptoms other than a little discomfort here and there. My blood-work only shows a few anomalies that could be written off as genetic or stress. I won't say that I'm the perfect image of health but if you put me in a room of otherwise healthy people you'd have a hard time determining which one of us was the cancer patient. But here I am: the anomaly.

(A quick aside: please get yourself checked with a colonoscopy as soon as you are able to and as quickly as our crazy medical system will allow. I'm not saying that they would have found this sooner in my case but it might have prevented the shit-show domino-effect that's currently having a party in my nether-regions).

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