Q is a quantum circuit simulator, 				drag-and-drop circuit editor, 				and powerful JavaScript library 				that runs right here in your  				web

Quantum JavaScript (Q.js)

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2024-12-14 01:00:04

Q is a quantum circuit simulator, drag-and-drop circuit editor, and powerful JavaScript library that runs right here in your web browser. There’s nothing to install and nothing to configure, so jump right in and experiment. (Q recently celebrated our one-year anniversary. You can read the corresponding post on Medium, the discussion on Hacker News, and the thread on Reddit.)

Here’s your first quantum circuit—a Bell state. It uses superposition and entanglement to calculate. (And here’s how to make one yourself.) Tap and drag the tiles around to get a feel for the Q editor. It’s easy to use on both desktop and mobile devices. Made a mistake? Just tap the Undo button.

Q is free to use, our code is open-source, and our API is heavily documented. Still a quantum novice? Each page of API documentation includes simple explanations of basic quantum concepts to get you up to speed quickly. This makes Q ideal for the classroom as well as autodidacts at home. Q just might be the most accessible quantum circuit suite in the world. Join our project on GitHub at https://github.com/stewdio/q.js and drop a link to Q’s website https://quantumjavascript.app on social media with the hashtag #Qjs. Let’s make quantum computing accessible!

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