Microsoft recently introduced Phi-3, a groundbreaking family of open-source small language models (SLMs) (yes, not large… Small!) poised to resh

Phi-3: Redefining Small Language Models with Performance and Efficiency

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Style Pass
2024-04-23 23:30:03

Microsoft recently introduced Phi-3, a groundbreaking family of open-source small language models (SLMs) (yes, not large… Small!) poised to reshape the landscape of artificial intelligence. These models break the traditional mold by delivering exceptional performance on various tasks typically requiring much larger models, all while maintaining a compact size suitable for resource-constrained environments.

Traditionally, large language models (LLMs) have relied on the concept of “scaling laws”: the idea that bigger is better. By exponentially increasing the number of parameters (trainable variables) within the model, researchers observed improvements in performance on various benchmarks. However, this approach comes at a significant cost. Training and running ever-larger models requires immense computational resources, making them impractical for real-world scenarios with limited hardware or offline capabilities. Also, the arrival of Llama 3, able to beat GPT-3.5 with only its 70B parameters (while GPT-3.5 has at least the double) disrupted the concept of scaling laws.

Phi-3 challenges this paradigm by focusing on a different approach – data-driven efficiency. Inspired by the research in “Textbooks Are All You Need“, Phi-3 leverages high-quality training data to achieve remarkable performance with a smaller model size. This data consists of two key components:

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