Hello, dear reader. My name is Dmitry. I am a systems engineer at Web Server, the Russian company behind the Angie web server. Drawing from my experie

Multifaceted Monitoring of Angie, an nginx Web Server Fork#

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Style Pass
2024-12-22 18:00:06

Hello, dear reader. My name is Dmitry. I am a systems engineer at Web Server, the Russian company behind the Angie web server. Drawing from my experience providing technical support—first at NGINX and now at Web Server LLC—I frequently encounter the same popular question: "How do I organise web server monitoring?" Let's explore the answer.

API. "I'm telling you, there are logs! Just let me enable them in prod." What it provides. "What's the difference from logs?" How to configure. "Doesn't it work automatically?" Getting web server configuration. "But there's angie -T."

Console Light – Web Interface. "Another monitoring system?!1?1!!!" What it shows. "What does real-time mean?" How to install. "Really just a couple of config lines?"

Prometheus API. "I'm already using it! Well yes, we parse logs..." How to configure Angie for integration. "And without njs?" Comparison with Console Light. "Do the values really match?"

We've moved beyond reacting to incidents based on user reports. Monitoring systems have become an essential part of modern infrastructure, providing data collection, notifications, and even the occasional "fix everything" button.

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