Reviewing code can be a strenuous activity for your eyes, but it doesn’t have to be. Recently, we launched dark mode on Reviewable. The default setting is system, so you can use your OS settings to control Reviewable's theme dynamically, or, if you are like me, set it to permanent dark mode.
Dark mode in Reviewable has been one of our most requested features for a while now. Despite the pressure from our users, the task was not a small undertaking and some significant obstacles stood in the way.
Reviewable has been in the code review game long enough that our UI framework was in need of some modernizing and it took overhauling certain parts of our codebase to make dark mode happen. To our credit, at least we beat Wikipedia to it and they’ve been around since 2001.
Need to rein in the growing number of colors used in your application? Read on for an overview of our approach to a large-scale UI overhaul with a deeply entrenched CSS framework.TL;DR Narrow down the total quantity of colors in your app using colorguard. Define a well-designed color palette and stick to it. Leverage modern CSS like --* (custom properties), color-mix, and hsl (or other modern color syntax). Choose your CSS framework wisely - it will be with you a long time!Getting to dark