I have recently started exploring the Unison programming language. Some programming languages are good because they improve the current state of affai

What is so unique about Unison?

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2024-05-06 23:30:04

I have recently started exploring the Unison programming language. Some programming languages are good because they improve the current state of affairs. For example Gleam brings type-safety to the Erlang platform. Other languages are game-changers:

When Scala was introduced, it brought an incredible amount of (statically-typed) functional programming features to the JVM. This changed the way we approached mutability, error management, concurrency, and structured our programs.

Verse unifies functional-programming and logical programming, where notions of failure, multiple-valued variables, and transactions, are baked into the language. This changes the way we think about control flow.

Unison is a frictionless language. It builds on the idea of "immutable code" to give us a huge productivity boost for writing cloud applications.

In this post, I am sharing my first steps with Unison. The parts where I was delighted but also the parts where I was confused. I will only talk about my experience of developing a small library for now. Part 2 will be about developing a full cloud application for my own needs.

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