Call for participation

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2024-06-30 16:30:03

What have you found exciting about Emacs lately? Have you figured out a good workflow? Used Emacs for something interesting? Come share what you've been learning at EmacsConf 2024 and meet other enthusiasts along the way! All backgrounds and all levels of experience are welcome. Emacs isn't just a text editor, it's a way of life!

EmacsConf 2024 will be a virtual conference on December 7 and 8, 2024 (Sat-Sun, 9AM-5PM UTC-5 America/Toronto, which is the same as 2PM-10PM UTC). If you'd like to present at the conference, please submit your proposal by September 20, 2024 (Friday). You can also take a look at previous talks to see how your talk can add to other ideas!

We'll send out rolling acceptances, so feel free to get the conversation started early! If there are similar proposals, we'll work with people so that the talks can cover different facets.

Ideally, talks will be prerecorded so that you can script and edit them as tightly as you want, and so that they can be captioned for accessibility. Here are the talk options:

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