For some students, online learning brings back memories of pandemic isolation. But as schools have reopened over the past few years, students haven’

Coursera’s CEO says leveraging AI in online learning is key to a more accessible, flexible education experience in 2024

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2024-05-16 22:00:04

For some students, online learning brings back memories of pandemic isolation. But as schools have reopened over the past few years, students haven’t all returned to preferring in-person education. In fact, online learning has remained popular. For some students, it is the key to obtaining a flexible, affordable, and accessible education.

One of the biggest players in the online learning space is Coursera. It is more than just a place to learn, though—it’s a platform that is home to thousands of learning opportunities ranging from hour-long introductory courses all the way to master’s degrees from Ivy League institutions like the University of Pennsylvania.  

During 2020, the company saw its learner base nearly double—from 47 million to 77 million. Today, it boasts more than 129 million registered learners. Just in the last six months, Coursera established two new online programs with two top schools: A master’s degree in engineering from UC Berkeley and a master’s degree in computer engineering from Dartmouth.

Looking toward 2024, Coursera hopes only to grow in terms of number of learners as well as course offerings and partnerships, according to the company’s CEO, Jeff Maggioncalda. He says that Coursera’s mission to educate everybody in the world, through a platform-based business model, is the best solution out there to address the challenges that higher education and adult learning faces. 

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