This thread is closed for comment, so I'm posting here. The title says archiving but the posts indicate >>> Unfortunately, we cannot keep the content , which in my book is DELETING.
Deleting everything that was originated prior to 10 years ago will destroy a wealth of information that is still viable. This information has not been transferred to the "Help" files and will no longer be searchable, the bookmarked links (published and personal) will no longer be available and the peers who provided this information probably won't be available ( or not inclined ) to reproduce the information when it is required.
These groups are peer to peer and the answers to peoples questions and solutions to problems is typically provided by users of the products, not by the builders of the products. I consider this action to be an insult to the efforts of the people who have, at their own expense, graciously helped other users over the years. If those individuals are still around, I thank you for your efforts and generosity. I sure hope AutoDesk are not relying on AI to provide the information currently being destroyed. The expression "Going to hell in a handbasket" comes to mind.
Everything will work just as you expect it to, unless your expectations are incorrect. Sometimes the question is more important than the answer.