Photogrammetry is great. However, there is a problem with bridges in photogrammetry areas where the bridges are not only solid, but they look solid underneath. They have the appearance of a wall across the water. I don’t know if this is fixable as presumably it relates to how photogrammetry works, but can we see if the visual look of photogrammetry bridges can be changed so that they at least appear as though they are not solid walls underneath?
Those shots are interesting in that they show Google bridges with spaces beneath them. I had assumed that all bridges just had these walls and it was just how photogammetry works but clearly there is more to it than that. Have voted.
Every bridge in the city looks like this, I imagine it’s maybe due to photogrammetry quirks, even noticed it on a lot of prominent bridges in NYC. Just curious if this is a known bug and if there are any plans to address it. Would be nice to be able to fly under
Since the USA world update I have been getting a strange bridge artifact where there is a solid wall under every bridge, anyone else seeing this?