It should be no surprise that thousands of Gen Z-ers took it upon themselves to infiltrate the Trump rally in Tulsa, Okla. this past Saturday. Social

Why was Trump’s Tulsa rally trolled with fake reservations

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Style Pass
2020-06-23 06:25:33

It should be no surprise that thousands of Gen Z-ers took it upon themselves to infiltrate the Trump rally in Tulsa, Okla. this past Saturday. Social media is our voice, and it’s loud.

You raise a generation of kids on Katniss Everdeen and Hermione Granger, and you get teens bold enough to lash out against corrupt authority. Generation Z: the Zoomers, the Parkland generation, 9/11 Babies, Gen-tech, iGen, The Scapegoats, The Snowflakes, Generation Fix-It, “Doomed,” the Delta Generation– we are the generation that is too anxious to correct a messed-up coffee order, but feels entirely enabled to throw a can of tear gas back at the police during a riot.

Delta is the symbol for change in mathematics, and boy is this the generation hungry for some radical change. Apps like TikTok and Instagram and Twitter have created a cross-nation entity of liberal teens ready to revolt against our current government. It’s an internet-fueled revolution and its impact has reached the streets of Minneapolis, the remaining statues of the Confederacy, the seats of the BOK center, and now the White House.

We as members of the class of 2020, ending the Spring feeling helpless and robbed in the face of a global pandemic, now, along with our fellow classmates and generation, are ignited with rage and determination to take control of our future and the future of this country.

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