At Apple’s Glowtime event scheduled for Monday, September 9, Tim Cook and his team will launch the new iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro family of smartphones. In the process, they will reveal their vision of generative artificial intelligence to the public. But what if Apple made an innovative choice to ignore the AI-powered elephant in the room?
The October 2023 launch of the Pixel and Pixel 8 Pro saw Google christen its flagship Android handsets as “the first AI smartphones.” The smartphone market has followed the direction handed down from Mountain View. Every current smartphone launch features the use of Generative AI to create new content from whole cloth by summarising articles, fashioning images where there were none, and more.
Apple following a trend is not new—its late arrival to Augmented Reality is the most recent, but you can also add in features such as wireless charging, third-party app installation, or even the addition of cut and paste to text entry. These have always been spun as being implemented “in a way that only Apple can” and typically include magical branding such as AirPower or Spatial Video. You can add generative AI to the list with the awkwardly backronymed Apple Intelligence as the magical brand.
Apple’s approach to this new world of artificial intelligence, magical branding aside, looks remarkably like the offering from Android and Google’s various partners, such as rewriting text in a different style, summarising text and notifications, and generating new images and videos. There will be subtle differences in the implementation—most likely in the UI and presentation—but Apple is following a path that its rivals have been on for months.