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It’s 2029. You just buckled up for a transpacific flight that for the last century has taken a grueling 14 hours — or more — but you’ll be arriving in just 8.5, all thanks to a startup that decided the time was ripe to resurrect supersonic passenger flight.
Flying is the fastest form of transportation we have. Instead of spending two days driving across the US, you can hop a flight in New York City and be in LA just six hours later. Need to go across the pond? That’d take you a week by ship, but a flight from NYC will get you to the UK in seven hours.
It’s amazing, but it isn’t any faster than it was decades ago. Soon, though, flying could not only be even faster, but also less of a burden on the environment. To find out how, let’s look back at the history of commercial aviation, where we are today, and the startup looking to revolutionize the future of flight — by taking a page from its past.