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LLMs are a dead end to AGI, says François Chollet

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2024-09-07 22:30:02

This article is an installment of Future Explored, a weekly guide to world-changing technology. You can get stories like this one straight to your inbox every Saturday morning by subscribing here.

It’s 2030, and artificial general intelligence (AGI) is finally here. In the years to come, we’ll use this powerful technology to cure diseases, accelerate discoveries, reduce poverty, and more. In one small way, our journey to AGI can be traced back to a $1 million contest that challenged the AI status quo back in 2024.

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) — software with human-level intelligence — could change the world, but no one seems to know how close we are to building it. Experts’ predictions range from 2029 to 2300 to never. Some insist AGI is already here.

To find out why it’s so hard to predict the arrival of AGI, let’s take a look at the history of AI, the ways we currently measure machine intelligence, and the $1 million competition that could help guide us to this world-changing software.

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