There is no shortage of dollars or bullshit when it comes to NVDA, the world's AI GPU hero of heroes. And with NVDA's revenue and profits not just inc

Big Bad NVDA - Fundamental Charts

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2024-12-12 04:30:04

There is no shortage of dollars or bullshit when it comes to NVDA, the world's AI GPU hero of heroes. And with NVDA's revenue and profits not just increasing but multiplying in such a short timespan, investors want to know is it still a good time to buy, to catch the AI wave, as it builds and crashes upon the world, both that of capital investment and the greater world at large.

The bottom line is what those investors are getting, so to speak (NVDA’s net income over the previous year (trailing twelve months))

The vertical line roughly represents ChatGPT hitting 100m users with the line at 2023 January 1st and ChatGPT reportedely hitting 100m users sometime in that month of January according to Reuters and The Guardian.

The firm will present you with the basic facts about NVDA, not as, and never as, a financial recommendation, but as an introduction to its financials, to give you a better idea if it's even worth your time to further explore NVDA as a company and potential vehicle of investment. The firm does not want you to be falsely misled into thinking we can offer you expertise on NVDA, we cannot. We can however answer the questions that we would expect any man who'd risk his capital to answer. How much money does NVDA make? How much do they have? And you would think, most importantly, how much has NVDA paid their previous investors so far? And while we don't believe the answers to these questions to justify investment, this firm adamantly believes that not knowing the answers to these questions is unacceptable for those who do or would choose to buy common stock in NVDA.

In short, you'd have to be a fucking idiot to lend your money to a company without reading our charts and commentary, or the equivalent there of. To assess the full risk of NVDA however, will require a much deeper dive than a single blog post can provide.

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