lets you shorten long links and generate very short URLs that are better suited to sharing on Facebook,, TikTok, Telegram, Slack and

Free URL shortener with all the Features of the paid ones

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2024-09-25 11:30:07 lets you shorten long links and generate very short URLs that are better suited to sharing on Facebook,, TikTok, Telegram, Slack and all your sites, messaging networks and blogs. Just paste in your long URL then click on the “Shorten it” button and will instantly generate a short link for you to copy and share by email, chat, SMS or on the social networks

Our free URL shortener offers all the tools and features of paid services without any registration or fees. Shorten your links, track detailed analytics, monitor incoming visits to your store, site, or article, and boost your conversions.

Our service is hosted on extremely powerful servers with NVMe SSD hard drives to ensure the ultimate link shortening and redirection experience.

No hidden fees, no tricks, our service is truly free and so are all its features. We don't impose any limits on the number of links to shorten or limits on analytics.

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