 We know you love to blow things up, and the Space Age expansion will be bringing ever more advanced and powerful ways of bearing arms agains

Friday Facts #410 - Rocket turret & Target priorities | Factorio

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2024-05-10 20:30:04

Hello, We know you love to blow things up, and the Space Age expansion will be bringing ever more advanced and powerful ways of bearing arms against your enemies.

The rocket turret does what it says, it shoots rockets: 3x3 powerful long-range turret. Unlocked on one of the three initial planets. Minimum range of 15, and a max range of 36 (improved +10% for each quality level). Shoots any type of rocket (including atomic bomb).

It is very useful as an upgrade for Space Platforms, as laser and gun turrets alone start to struggle on larger asteroids. Each size of asteroid has resistances to different types of damage, but more on that another week.

To make rocket turrets work nicely on space platforms we needed to tweak the rocket ammo recipe a bit, by removing the electronic circuits from the recipe. This makes it much easier to set up rocket production on the platform where copper is quite scarce.

With more powerful turrets which use precious ammunition, its leads to another problem: We don't really want to expend expensive rockets on small little asteroids that the gun or laser turrets can easily take care of.

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