Many datasets were analyzed and many charts were made this year. If I liked a project, it was on FlowingData. But only a handful can be the best. These are my favorite data visualization projects from 2024.
I kind of knew about the convergence of Chinese names from experience, but this research project taught me something new. The audio pronunciation helps too. [See the Project / On FlowingData]
This caught me off guard in a good way. NASA should make more things with fun and quirks, alongside the isn’t-space-amazing videos. [See the Project / On FlowingData]
The point is to create and maintain a dataset so that we can understand the changing risks worldwide. The interactive map helps you understand the data. [See the Project / On FlowingData]
There were quite a few projects that demonstrated the convergence that is AI output, but this one stood out for showing how we get there. [See the Project / On FlowingData]