Traditional EDA tools depend heavily on manual input for via placement. This makes density management primarily a function of hand-eye coordination. A

High-Density PCBs just got easier with Smart Vias

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2024-09-16 20:30:02

Traditional EDA tools depend heavily on manual input for via placement. This makes density management primarily a function of hand-eye coordination. After placement, when you need to modify part of the design, you’ll quickly find yourself playing an unsolicited game of three-dimensional chess. Often, it’s easiest to simply wipe out the traces and vias, start over, and hope you won’t have to make another change to that part of your board.

After carefully laying everything out, the next big effort is to define and work through manufacturability, reliability, and cost considerations. In practice, this mountain of manual labor adds up. Designers are often forced to either compromise their design, risk overlooking mistakes, or delay their project.

Smart Vias in Flux is an intelligent feature that automates the selection, placement, and configuration of vias during the PCB design process. This automation reduces the manual effort involved in via placement and significantly lowers the risk of misalignment and other common errors associated with traditional via management

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