Blogging is still something new to me. I do enjoy it and quite often find myself wanting to write down things primarily to get them out of my system.

The web as a public good

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Style Pass
2024-09-18 10:30:05

Blogging is still something new to me. I do enjoy it and quite often find myself wanting to write down things primarily to get them out of my system. However, I find myself having ideas that I keep them as drafts for months, due to “not polishing them enough”. I’ve decided to publish more raw material, potentially in the for of draft thouhgts. I feel that the act of expression is more valuable to me, rather than creating a “clean and polished” blog.

A big part of my life revolves around software and a huge part of my life revolves around the internet. I’ve been born in 1993. I’ve had the blessing of having lived both the running-child-on-the-streets-without-a-tablet era, as well as we’re-inside-a-house-and-playing-video-games era. I’ve had the chance to live somewhat before the digital age took over most of our lives.

Dropping out of college I needed a new career path. Through the internet I found my newfound love for programming. Through the internet I managed to cultivate my knowledge enough to get in the field and finding my first mentors, thus bringing me to where I am and, more specifically, who I am - I’m someone who brings food to the table quite comfortably, and I can attribute a great deal of that to the free knowledge floating on the internet.

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