Below is a general overview of how the Thermion packages are structured to ensure a clean separation between the general Dart components, and the Flut


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Style Pass
2024-06-28 09:00:03

Below is a general overview of how the Thermion packages are structured to ensure a clean separation between the general Dart components, and the Flutter specific components.

If you want a more detailed explanation of how to start rendering 3D content inside a Flutter app, click here to view the quickstart page.

With this structure, the Flutter-specific components are not coupled to the Dart components, meaning Thermion can be used for rendering in both Flutter and non-Flutter applications.

For example, Thermion ships with examples for rendering with Dart only (no Flutter) with a CLI/headless application on MacOS, and with a Javascript/WASM/HTML applicaiton in browsers.

thermion_flutter exports thermion_dart, so if you are working with a Flutter application, you will only need to import thermion_fluttter.

The ThermionViewer class provides an API for creating and interacting with 3D scenes powered by the Filament rendering engine.

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