We've all been there: collecting mountains of session replay data, only to have it sit unused, gathering digital dust. The reality is, there's only so

Of Course You Don’t Watch Session Replays

submited by
Style Pass
2024-10-22 18:00:19

We've all been there: collecting mountains of session replay data, only to have it sit unused, gathering digital dust. The reality is, there's only so much time in the day, and manually reviewing thousands of sessions just isn't feasible. So what happens? We end up using this valuable data reactively, scrambling to investigate when a customer reports an issue. Or, if we're lucky, we might do a bit of proactive work, but let's face it – we're still missing insights from thousands of unreviewed sessions.

Watching user behavior through traditional session replay analysis is an exhausting, labor-intensive process. We need a better way to understand user behavior—one that doesn't require us to manually sift through countless sessions like treasure hunters in an overflowing storage closet, struggling to find what we need.

Imagine a tool that doesn't just replay sessions but proactively tells you exactly where users struggled: which users, where in the product, and what type of struggle. These AI-driven solutions can automatically discover issues, surface insights, and give you a new way to query your data to find answers to your questions.

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