My stance on Matrix has been the same for years: I don't trust the Matrix developers to produce a secure protocol, and until they abandon Olm / Megolm

Why I Don't Trust Matrix Developers to Produce a Secure Protocol · GitHub

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Style Pass
2024-05-16 09:00:03

My stance on Matrix has been the same for years: I don't trust the Matrix developers to produce a secure protocol, and until they abandon Olm / Megolm in favor of something like MLS, I'm adamant about refusing to trust their team's designs.

To understand why I feel so strongly about this, you need to understand that practically exploitable vulnerabilities were found in Matrix in 2022.

It isn't enough that there were vulnerabilities found to be alarming. Vulnerabilities happen. You aren't writing software if you don't occasionally fuck up.

a. Simple confidentiality break: The root cause of this attack is the fact that room management messages are not authenticated, which is a design flaw in the protocol itself, as no mechanism was specified for authentication of such messages.

Let me translate this for you: It apparently didn't occur to the developers who created Olm and Megolm to authenticate the messages that manage who has access to encrypted groups.

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