org-chef is a package for managing recipes in org-mode. One of the main features is that it can automatically extract recipes from websites like
When capturing to the cookbook it will prompt you for a URL, you can then paste a URL like the following into the mini-buffer, and it will fill in as many details as it can. Here is an example recipe:
You can change the number of servings in a recipe using the command org-chef-edit-servings. This will automatically update the ingredients list to match.
Contributions are very welcome! Feel free to open pull requests and issues (and feel free to include a recipe that you like in it!)
If you find a site that you like that doesn’t currently work with org-chef, then you should definitely let us know through a GitHub issue! org-chef’s goal is to support as many sites as possible, so missing websites are considered bugs!
Additionally, there is a #org-chef channel on freenode that you’re welcome to join. Share recipes, give each other org-chef tips, be happy :).